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11:52 p.m.

Just Wondering

Random thoughts of the day:

Thoughts of a poem entitled "Morbid Cinderella."

Overhearing a boy saying I'd be a great girlfriend. (he was right)

Telling myself I'm beautiful...and believing it.

Threats of chopping him into pieces if he doesn't stop hurting my friend.

Wanting to clean my room only to please my mother.

Thinking of tomorrow's breakfast and hoping it goes well.

Wanting to hear a new band.

Knowing I didn't do my devotion.

Wondering how many years I wasted trying to be someone I wasn't...and being bored doing it.

Thinking of how love stories at 13 still make a difference in everyday situations.

Remembering when I loved my dad.

Thinking of how much I love my child in El Salvador, but wondering why I still have never written to her.

Worrying about not doing my English reading.

Wanting to be a kid again, when the only thing that upset you was when there was a repeat of the Power Rangers.

Loving friends with purple hair even if they are a man-whore and try to spit on you.

Being protective of my friends.

Being a jealous person in general.

Disliking my bowling coach for no other reason than...he tried too hard.

Looking forward to Ichthus.

Pondering whether I could be anemic.

Wondering if I'll have seizures all of my life.

Shamefully wondering whether or not sex will trigger them. (for many people it does)[Orgasm? No...seizure. Oh]

Thinking of how I've always thought I'd die at a young age and that's why I'm not allowed to be in would hurt him too much.

Wondering if people hold back because they're scared or...other reasons I don't want to think about.

Asking myself if running away to college would help me get married sooner....nah.

Wondering who's day I can make with all of these Milky Way bars in my room.

Wondering how many people are pretending to be my friend.

Wondering how many of my friends have been raped, abused, pregnant.

Wondering if all of my guy friends masturbate like everyone says all guys do.

Wondering if they wonder if I do.

Wondering if I think about sex too much.

Knowing I do.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .