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4:44 p.m.

Why Don't I Like Him, And Why Doesn't He Like Me?

Why am I so freaking shallow?

Maybe this is why my life sucks somedays.....Because I'm so stuck up.

I know there was a time when I was low on self-confidence, but there's such a thing as overdoing it. I know I'm not pretty, but I happen to think I'm beautiful and I swear if I weren't me, I'd want to marry me. I love it when I'm walking down the an isle at lunch and 5 people shout my name...and maybe that's wrong, but I do. I love it that anytime I open my mouth in Spanish, they listen. All of them. They think I'm the funniest thing, and such a philosopher. I'm really not. But I love that they look up to me. Though I'm not sure why they do.

I'm not fake around them, but I wish they knew all of me. I wish they saw me cry when was lonely last night. I wish they saw me walking alone after lunch today, not because I wanted to, but because no one was around to hold my hand. I wish they read my diary.

I don't think I'm better than anyone else, I just happen to think who I am is wonderful.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .