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April 13, 2004
10:54 p.m.

I Should Drop All Expectations

I don't want to cry anymore

no more boys, amy, no more boys

no m ore

more no moe more no more

no more....

gosh, i'm so tired of being alone.

so sick so sick of being tired...

April 13, 2004
1:41 p.m.

Survey Says....

my mom has told me all of my life that I can't get a boyfriend and don't have a lot of friends because I'm "intimidating." Now... I know how mothers are, so I always just assumed she was feeding me a line and was full of huge amounts of crap and all it really was is that I'm ugly, unpersonable, and annoying. (breath.)

But! lately I've been told by a couple of people that...I really am. So: I'm on a quest to find out if dear old mom was, in fact, speaking the gospel truth, or if she was just trying to boost my ego.

Evidently I'm "attractive, intelligent, and funny" (who knew) and this is intimidating to others. Lots of girls are those three characteristics and...they're not intimidating. But also, I guess I'm really opinionated and word on the street is that most girls "suppress" this quality because...boys don't like it. I'm not about to change myself so a boy will like me. God made me amazing despite that. question is, am I intimidating? and if I am, please comment and let me know how I'm to go about changing that. If I'm full of it, can comment too. But that's just because I love getting comments. :o)

Am I intimidating?

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. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .