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May 24, 2003
2:34 a.m.

Are You Serious This Time?

I cried when I saw that I've been removed.

And I wonder why I ever cared about a boy who can't spell barbecue correctly. But

Zebra cakes are no long manufactured, but I catch myself staring at the crumbs, remembering how sweet they were. How times change, things are not always as they seem, and you can't avoid regrets. Beautiful words aren't everything in life, but faithful friends who aren't speaking to you just might be. They just might be, when they still bother to keep you on some lists and wish you good luck on important days right before they leave.


I want you to come to my party.

You wouldn't be caught dead.


you used to write about me

and I used to write about you

and it used to mean everything to us


I remember when you said you loved me

because I believed you


I don't believe you anymore

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .