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May 16, 2004
4:29 p.m.

I Dreamt Of Meeting Conor While Waiting For The Bus, And He'd Ask Me What I Was Listening To, And I'd Tell Him It Was Music Lovelier Than A Thousand Rainbows...And I'd Make Him Listen, And He Would Hear His Voice

beauty beyond belief

I wasn't even thinking of you...but the song perfectly described it. It perfectly described it. My eyes welled up at the thought, and I want to tell you everything. I've never been so patient ...perfectly. I almost cried. And I wanted to call you and tell you everything perfectly, beauty everything perfectly, tears welling.

I thought of how I'd tell you, and how you'd reject me and I would cry forever, and for some reason I want that.

"Just nod your head if the plans have changed

Shake it, love, if they've stay the same

Smile at me and I will stay

Start to cry and I'll go away

Just please don't leave me guessing"

maybe that makes me a masochist

and this feeling makes me want the pain, i consider cutting, punching, hurting myself before you have a chance, but that would make me a girl with issues and then... you'd never want me. the hope of you keeps me sane. I'd never hurt myself because I want you to want me, and you don't want girls like that.

the box office sold out two winters past but I stand here with my arms crossed praying you'll still come for me. frostbite means nothing if I know that someday I'll feel your warmth.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .