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May 16, 2004
3:22 a.m.

My Fish Is A Spaz So I'm Thinking Of Changing His Name. Spencer Makes Me Think Of Fat Women's Jelly Arms Jiggling While They Laugh At Dumb Pranks.

I felt silly trying to explain it. Because unless you're one of them, you just might not understand. I feel like I look different, but seem just like everyone else...but I'm not. And I'm not hellbent on being different, people like that make me sick. I am a lot like everyone else.

But as I told her the story, stressing that she may not understand, I realized a lot. People just react differently to me than they do to most people. People who wouldnt' normally be friends with people like me.

A lot of these friendships start out with conflict. And somehow I capture them. And these boys who would never have told me anything...end up calling me while they cry. They let me read their puke-covered journal. Or they untintentionally get caught in an intimate friendship with a stranger.

You make me feel like a different breed of person. Sometimes I wonder if I have what it takes to be a counselor. I talk too much. But you tell me make me feel like sometimes I'm not so intimidating, but trustworthy. You make me feel like I'm worthy of someone's time.


. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .