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May 11, 2004
12:37 a.m.

Uber Interesting- And By Interesting I Mean Not At All

I move into my apartment on Wednesday. It's kind of scary...not that I've lived at home for the past 9 months anyway, but I wasn't on my own. I worked 8 hours today and I haven't done that since before school started. I remember that I used to work 12-13 hour shifts and it was hell, but I lived...and then I started working here for 1 hour at a time, and it still got to be so monotonous. I'm back up to 8 and I thought it would feel like forever but it doesn't. Not really.

I got my monroe pierced and it's being a bitch. My mom prays that it falls out. I pray that her teeth fall out. Okay...not really lol, but I think that's dumb. Don't bother God with your selfish, meaningless, spiteful prayers. Silly mommy.

So the back fell out on Mother's Day...her dream lol it fell out at Bob Evans and I had my brother take me to Newbreed to get it screwed back in since I couldn't because of the swelling. Then after Jon brought me home(home being Anderson) it fell out again. Stop doing that!! I spent an hour and half trying to get it back in. I eventually had to flip the bugger around and put the inside on the outside since I couldn't get the post through both sides of the hole. Confusing I know. So i had my summer roommate put it on there for me since I was busy cursing it.

As we all know, you're not supposed to take out your monroe for at least 2 weeks. Pulling it in and out and squeezing not proper care, I did this for hours. So of course it swelled up and got all pus-E. And NOWWWW the gem is going through the hole, and sticking there, becoming embedded in my cheek. I called my piercer and he said to get some sea salts and if the swelling doesn't go down to call back. I hope this works. Right now I look ridiculous. It won't stop going in my cheek so I have a piece of paper town in between my cheek and the sides of the jewel so it won't go down in there. I hope this works. Will said he'd just pierce it again, but I don't want to have to deal with that... and I'd probably have to get it done in a different spot, which sucks. argh. I hope it doesn't come unscrewed again!! If it does, I'm done. It's too swollen to even check the back. Oh, I got it flipped around and my boss (my boss!) helped me screw the jewel on the right way. Man, this piercing is the worst. It doesn't hurt at all, i'm just scared. I don't want a big green infection on my face.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .