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8:02 p.m.

Gloves Shmoves

I hope those people really enjoy their gloves, even though I wasn't able to help them. Even though you weren't able to help me. I'm not lying when I say I missed your presence. But you'll lie when you get my presents. Maybe only laugh, something I did a lot of today...but I didn't fall on the ground, or cry, or hurt my stomach. And I think I miss that too.

You're not everything I've ever wanted or asked for, but I'm beginning to think that maybe what I wanted wasn't quite what I needed. I'll continue to pray and meditate and I wish that you'd do the same

And you don't always have to try to be so can just be real sometimes. Maybe it's wrong, but I love sad stories, too. Just please don't treat me like one of your teachers...I love the sound of your voice.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .