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7:45 p.m.

My Day In Broadripple

a wonderful day filled with:

dissappointing news of a loved hasn't it me yet, but when I realize how much she doesn't care...a big pile of apathy will fall on me and I don't know who will pull me out. I hope they'll hurry though.

word games...constipation, litigation, operation, hesitation, proclamation, reservation, consideration, aviation, quotation, invitation, indifferentiation...etc....

Surfing in the snow...even with my hatred of its coldness...sometimes you just have to love it for its whiteness. Maybe someday I'll love it. Maybe for the right reasons. I'm doing better, but fight it at times.

Man, do I ever love secrets....shit, indecisiveness, college, ramp, gay dad, curb, awkwardness, honey mustard, and empty houses. All just adding to my confusion.

Feeling like I have a friendship that I thought I had lost, when, in fact, I just overreact and think way too much.

Man pants, ties, and sweaters...these are a few of my favorite things.

Broadripple is so awesome.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .