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July 04, 2005
11:54 a.m.

How Do I Prove I Won't Be Clingy Anymore?

okay, so i obsess over this new to anyone???
we decided to take a break.
Amy didn't take a break...i still obsessed.
it pushed him away.
he broke up with me.
Point is, as much as we argued and whatnot i really think it was provoked by my pressing pressing pressing all the time. I expected so much of him and demanded his time...alllll the timmmme.
i was basically ridiculous.
so i didn't learn my lesson with the break. one day into it i was calling all the time and being clingy...i rationalized it somehow.
now that we're broken up i really feel like i'm learning my lesson. I hope that after a month we can become friends and hang out and eventually even casually date someday. CASUALLY.
I don't plan on suffocating him again.
I really want to show him that I can do this without being obsessed with our relationship. I have other friends, I have other things to do.
Our problems started when we quit our jobs and when he wrecked his car. We just spent too much time together.
Since I didn't have a job i had nothing to do but sit around all day and think of him, which caused me to analyze EVERYTHING and drive him nuts and inevitable ...away.
I regret that so much. I'm calling Von Maur back tomorrow and hopefully I'll have a job and I can be busy too...and we can have a casual relationship.
I'm not sure that I'm cured yet...but I just need other things in my life that are important to me.
John and I do not hate each other. We did not yell at each other. We did not say a whole bunch of things we regret. We did not cheat on each other. We are still very much in love and really care about each just didn't work out for us right then...for the reasons above and a few other reasons.
I'm not sure if i'm being unreasonable...but i really am doing okay...and believe that we may be able to get back together some day.
I'm not sure if anyone reads anymore...but if you could just take 3 minutes to pray for me/us it would be really appreciated.
i'm doing alright, but i still miss him and i fear that i'm only making it through b/c i believe i can get him back. I need to come to the realization that...he may not even want to be my friend. ::sigh:: i just pray i'll be okay if that happens.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .