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June 21, 2004
3:24 a.m.

I'm Addicted To You

Daniel, Daniel, how did you end up in my life again? You broke my heart and I don't hear from you for months. You call me when you're drunk and I see that I wrote about you on the 8th. Saying I'd give anything to be in your arms again. I joked that we could always go back to the airport and sit on your car.

Sometimes I wonder if you realize what I mean when I say I miss you. Because when I said this will never work you asked why. Why? You obviously don't realize how much you hurt me. Even after you went outside to smoke and I followed you and told you I hadn't meant to upset you with my story of how you had upset me before.

I rented you The Picture of Dorian Gray, so what? I knew you loved the book and I wanted to share the movie with you, but you never let me....I shouldn't have ever told you. You looked so upset and you just kept saying you were sorry...for everything. And we held hands again for the first time.

You still have dirty mechanic nails, and you still don't wash your hands after you use the bathroom, but I still want to hold them every second you're around.

June 21, 2004
3:01 a.m.


I can't decide if I wished it had happened...we were just so close...I love that you just stood at my door and held me. You held me for a good 20 minutes and I loved it.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .