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December 25, 2003
8:04 p.m.

Product Versus Process

steam of consciousness or fix the things you hate as you go.

I'm writing a letter in my head, and two paragraphs down, I realize that I start to lose my focus. I regain by saying,"but this was not supposed to be about me."

Problem: should I go back and rewrite it-leaving out these important elements just to keep my focus, or do I let it be and reveal my thought process?

Then again, the product should be the process. A brilliant boy said that once and I disagreed...but that was art. Then again he was philosophy and writing maybe he was wrong, probably not.

I like people who are smarter than I am....but we never stay great friends. I'm just never good enough. Forgive me if I have trouble believing that I am.

Again the rewrite this entry...or show myself.

Vulnerability is a beautiful thing, and I intend on being the most beautiful you've ever met.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .