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12:38 a.m.

Are You Sure It's Me You're Talking About?

Feels like I'm so good at making people hate me.

But then I get stuck in your sisters room...with her telling me she wishes I would be her best friend. But she thinks she's lucky to know me anyway. Man, I love that kid. Jillian, you made day. You make me feel like the mentor I've always been told to know, the kind I've only dreamed of....

And evidently I'm "wonderful." I'm sure how I feel about that, and the word only describes it. But I still wonder...if I never ask, will you ever tell? I don't like being pushy. I like to be pushed. Maybe if I cry by the swings you'll make me fly. I always did love jumping off and taking the chance. I hope I don't land in the dusty gravel again. Or have I ever really taken the leap?

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .