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August 16, 2005
7:17 a.m.

The Two Step

and for an update...

I really like Kyle. We've gone out a few more times as friends, and actually had our first date last friday. We went swing dancing and it was AMAZING! I really like him. I know I said he wasn't my kind of fabulous but I may have been wrong about him.

I think Kyle's age plays a big part in my liking him. Not his age directly, but the maturity that goes with it. I've always dated younger guys and I think that's been my problem. They're just not at my level. They're rushing like I'm rushing and in rushing, rushing kills us! ha I like that Kyle's taking things slow. He's a good leader...which makes me a good follower.

It's just like dancing. and i think we make a great (oh gosh the c-word) couple.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .