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April 19, 2003
9:15 p.m.

My Love

Dear Habibty,

I'm content today.(for a change)

I've decided that I don't care if "he" left me and loves her. I don't care if "he" decided I wasn't enough and stopped talking to me. And I don't care if "he" didn't want me because I wouldn't kiss him.

I care that you're out there waiting to make my dreams come true, and I'm busy screwing things up...I'll wait for you, darling...don't you worry. It's difficult at times, but I love you, and I know you'll be perfect for me. And you'll love my quirkiness. We'll play word games and fight over things like grammar and bands. And you won't let me win. And I'll smile at you when I know I've lost're just so cute when you're smarter than me. The memories of your sarcasm will make me laugh when you're not around. And we won't have to kiss all the time because you'll be my best friend, and sometimes you just want to talk. You'll write me songs, keep trying though I'm not ticklish, and shop with me and try on funny sequine vests. And you'll love me with all of you...we'll pray together because you'll love Jesus even more than I do. In the meantime, I'm praying for you and asking you to forgive me of my mistakes. Just play with my hands and tell me I'm enough.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .