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10:36 p.m.

No Good Either Way

I know you're not for real, but maybe we can have fun and you can make me laugh and distract me from boy who is attracted to girls with nappy hair and likes to make me jealous. I sure hope so. Just make me laugh and forget my pain. You don't even have to love me.

Please don't love me. I'd only hurt you....and I hate girls like me. If you fall for me I'll only make you cry. I know what I want, yet I won't listen, I'm patient...really I am. I'm just entertaining myself for the mean time. You're not a toy, but a mere tool. I do like you. I'm not a user.

I'll forget about the boy who likes girls he doesn't know and enjoy life a bit.

Who am I kidding?


I hope it works.

I hope I fall for him, and my feelings for you fall behind me. I don't

I guess I'm just screwed.


. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .