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2:38 a.m.

Pitiful Me

Life is this wonderful pet that I have. I think I understand him, I have him all figured out...and then he throws me off with a "brand new" trick.

I've been pondering things. I think I've discovered that if my husband ever cheats on me I don't want to know. I'd just be crushed and forgive him anyway. He'd be just like Stephen. He'd do me wrong, but I'd be the one begging him to come back to me. How pitiful am I? Maybe I'm not pitiful at all. Maybe I possess the ability to unconditionally love. I doubt it. I'm probably just lonely...and pitiful.

I have this insane idea that I should believe in people.

**People that play with my hair make my dreams come true every single time.**

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .