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February 24, 2003
12:56 p.m.

I Think I Think Too Much, But When I Think This, I Think, OOP There I Go Again

I love days with no school.

It means I don't have to see anyone. Not that I don't love them,I being lonely.

Fill out a little FAFSA, sleep in, read, indulge in music, dream of college...until I realize it will be a nightmare wherever I go, but I'll just push that to the back of my mind. I'm so good at lying to myself.

I'm so sure I have psycological problems with no past traumas. And this has nothing to do The Ring. Clinical depression, alcoholism, insanity, manic-depression, and bipolarism run in my family. I think I should just embrace it and make the best of my new friends.

P.S. I'm not down right now at all..this is a glorious day.

And have I ever told you how much I LOVE Taking Back Sunday? b/c I do.

And I love Brittany Spangler for my birthday advance!!

I love them almost as much as I love you.

I don't know where that depression thing came from earlier...just me thinking, I guess.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .