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January 27, 2003
12:32 a.m.

I'm Not One For Pet Names...But Like Tigger, You're The Only One

I say I don't believe in love, but maybe you're right and I'm only pretending. "If I never love again I'll never puke for love again." My theory is flawed.

I hope you know you're my only escape. I'm sure you're the one who could change my mind...if you weren't so scared.

I'm not sure I ever want you to know that I only stayed because of you. And I don't doubt anything, and I don't make sense. I know exactly what I'm saying.

You make me want to forget him, and forgive him. to be perfect for you.

And when I pray about it, I'm confirmed..."just not yet" I'm told...or is it,"not just yet," and is there a difference?

it'll throw you over its precipice

into its ocean

and under its currents.

You get cut at first by the rocks underneath

until you learn its techniques of survival.

until you get thrown onto its shore.

I'm not trying to be poetic

just hinting that I want you to grab my hand

because these rocks get sharper everyday

and my techniques are down the drain

and I can't reach anymore

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .