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April 27, 2004
7:23 p.m.


why don't I have that?

I'm tired of this no dating game. I'm tired of it.

all is lost when I feel alone.

and I hate these pictures. these happy hardcore couples. with his beatiful black reverse mullet and her lovely monroe piercing.

when is it my turn? I just want something happy. I can't play support system all the time. In this world of technology I want my ready to eat soup. Making each relationship from scratch gets tiring, b/c my part is never over. I'm left to clean up the mess afterwards.

I want to be an addition to an already wonderful life. I want to be the sprinkles, the cherry, the finishing touch. I can't be your flour flour anymore. Everyone takes flour for granted.

Isn't there a sad vegan boy somewhere who is thinking the same thing?


for anyone

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .