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April 27, 2003
10:26 p.m.

I Don't Cuss Anymore

Over the last couple of days so much has happened...and when it does, I just, I gotta write about that.

And wouldn't you know it...I forget all of it.

I remember being a freshman and thinking I was so ahead of the game. Heck, I KNEW who I was, and I had my life planned out. I was going to go away to college b/c I hated it here. I was going to go to Palm Beach Atlantic College and be a counselor. I was going to come back from wonderful Florida and marry Jack Williams b/c he was perfect for me. I had myself all figured out. I knew who I was....

now I realize that was all crap

I don't want to go that far away. I like it here as much as I say I hate it. I know this place...and I like that.

And I don't want to marry Jack. Though, he is still wonderful, we've grown in different ways. He'll always be wonderful...even if he never did like me lol He was just the first Christian guy that I had ever met. Who got me to stop cussing and changed my life. He made me realize how wrong I was living. Man...I liked him so much. And now I know so many guys like him that it's ridiculous.

I want to stop cussing b/c he have realized that the two guys I've really cared about in my life...didn't cuss. And if you don't? there has to be a reason. Which means you don't want a partner who does.

So I will stop. For you, my habibty. Anything for you.

(P.S. habibty is like "my love" in Arabic)

In other news, how much do I love that girl? Now really? Would I spend all of that time on anyone else? Maybe a few select people but no...not really. Man, you're a wench sometimes, but so am I and we're just lovely together. I read our horoscope, and it said how this relationship is near impossible, but that whoever could make it would be wonderful for them. And it is! You make me smile you selfish jerk.

BOYS. BOYs. BOys. Boys. boys.

What are you gonna do with them?

I have decided that I don't belong in a relationship for a long while. I'm just never happy. But I love boys. I love friends that are boys soooo much. You kids are just fabulous. And one day, one of you will treat me like the princess I deserve to be and I will give you everything I have. All of me. I can't wait. Well...yes I can, and I will. But in the mean time I want all the guy friends I can have. mmmuuaahhh

Here's what my horoscope said for me today,"Even the most patient parter is only willing to wait in the wings for so long."

Man. Stephen. Sam. I will never get married b/c I will wait too long for fear of more bad endings. He will be patient. Won't you be patient, Habibty?

"I never knew you gave it to me."


since I don't cuss anymore...after I state something about or from Stephen I must put "jerkface" instead of bastard...but he still is one!

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .