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May 07, 2004
2:39 p.m.

help me

i can't find any music that I like anymore...I'm tired of what I have, and I keep listening and I don't fall in love with anyone like I do Death Cab...

went to the Allister show and it was so dumb. I hate punk. I acted silly and pretended to like it, but it was dumb as hell.

I need something new and flavorful. I hate the new Dead Poetic cd. I'm ready to go back to Brand New b/c everything else SUCKS.

I like hardcore shows, but I can't really listen to it in my room b/c of my roommate and...i just like more meaningful lyrics.

give me something meaningful and beautiful

I like almost every genre of scene music...and non-scene music for that matter. post whatever.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .