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April 16, 2004
5:40 p.m.

Sometimes You're Just Wrong About People

this is a big SCREW YOU to my good friend Michael.

I really don't care if I ever talk to you again.

the way you treated me today made me feel so small. Must you always talk down to me? I missed you like none other, and I try to stop arguing b/c I want to know what's happening in your life and you call it a cop out. I don't have to know's OKAY to say you don't know. It doesn't make me weak or ignorant or manipulative. How was I manipulative at all? You've changed and you just don't like the things I said to you. Of course you don't like being called out. At least I admit that I'm wrong sometimes and that I don't know everything. You just pretend.

I'm so sure it's in God's huge and holy plan for you to be a bartender. That used to disgust you. You've changed, and not for the better. Don't say I haven't changed, b/c I'm so much better. You wouldn't know. You left. It's not my fault that I don't know about your life. You're too busy talking down to me to even realize it. It took everything in me to not break off our friendship when I was mad. But that's it. I cannot do this. I really really don't want to ever talk to you again. You remind me of how Jeff was in the last few weeks that we talked. Everything is about arguing. I'm afraid to even touch that relationship. I'm sorry Jeff...I can't argue anymore. The same goes out to Neil and anyone else who just wants to argue with me all the time...I'm not that argumentative person everyone once knew. I'd rather say I'm sorry and just drop it.

You frustrate me to no end. I hope your life goes well. I don't plan on being a part of it anymore. I would have told you this myself...but you didn't even stay to listen to me.

I hope you make tons of people drunk each night and you tell them about Jesus. I hope it's that one last drink that you serve that gets me killed. I hope it makes you smile. I hope it eats you up inside.

I don't worry about you trying to IM me. You're to freaking proud to humble yourself enough to say you're sorry. I just hope I'm strong enough not to...

Love isn't conditional, and it doesn't matter how angry I am with you, I love you. I don't ever want to talk to you again, but I love you. I just can't do this anymore. Goodbye Michael.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .