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July 09, 2003
4:17 a.m.

Ah, Memories

I miss skip-it. Those were the days, mud-pies, skip-it, worm funerals, calling ghosts outside my basement, being the president of the neighborhood club, being way busted, hating myself everyday, arguing with my parents, liking my brothers friends, playing santa in the pool with my brother, taking my sister to the hospital, living in the ghetto and seeing gang fights, hearing shoot-outs, doing arts and crafts with my moo, liking Tim Sunman forever! man!, performing at church, quilting with the old ladies, spending time with Jenny and always hurting her feelings because she was prettier than me, being twins, getting the internet, praying everyday that God would let me die, learning to ride a bike in one day, everyone else having cool rollerblades while I had the put-your-shoe-inside-with-your-foot kind, riding bikes, yelling at the corner of my yard for Sarah, ditching Grant at the 8th grade dance and making him hate me (ps he still hates me even though we go/went to different schools for high friends told me, and now he has a kid), dating Ryan Hickey and having a crush on his cousin...and then dating his other cousin (whore!), 6h grade where I was so ghetto...I wore Jnco Jeans and boxers...heck yeah,loving rap and that one r&b song that said "damn" and feeling so cool because I cussed lol, meeting Kelsey, cowboy bill, Zelda, worshiping the Backstreet Boys...Nick's voice in the first album still makes me c my j's "if you want it to be good girl, get yourself a ...bad boy" lol, thinking that I've always been bisexual...since I was 4...and hating it, wanting to be Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen as detectives and setting up a stand by the road with Jenny...detective suits and all "We'll solve any crime by dinner time '5 cents'", garage saling because we didn't have money, 5th grade and writing sentences...and thinking Justin Goeden was weird and shy, but nice....and then having him ask me out and become my best friend....I dig that kid, and miss him so much, everyone should pray for him in the Airforce...he's my love :o(, hating Brittany for the way she treated Justin and then becoming HER best friend, writing a million songs that I never wrote down, getting straight A's all the time (like 8 times), my first date...who still has my cd and hasn't called me he didn't ask me on a date...he told me we were going...and that's hot, Chi chi's and catch phrase and Jeff the balloooooonist, loving performing my oboe, ignoring my little sister, freak dancing like a ho (Jim Long where Kelsey got mad, and then Chris what's-his-head who I almost thre up on while trying to look cool ahahahah), my mom hating Morgan Landis, liking Jordan Pennix in 3rd grade, being best friends with Wendy Campbell and Penni Ritter, being asked out for the first and only time until 8th grade -by Jeff Coomer, who only did it because Wendy made him because she felt sorry for me, and when I started telling people(Amanda "Boob" Bade) she grabbed me and said "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" and I started bawling.(I ran into him the other day and he remembered me!!), having lots of friends....always good friends...

::sigh:: I'm pretty sure I could go on forever and ever...and I kind of did, sorry...

by the way, just kidding about the shoot-out thing ha

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .