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April 21, 2004
3:00 a.m.

"All The Little Children" Does, In Fact, Include You And Me

I'm kind of sad that I haven't been writing...

I've been so busy. I wrote an 11 page paper tomorrow and I have one due next week as well. ugh. it's so tiring.

man, I love school.

but I wish there were something better to eat than greasy potato chips. I can feel my pores secreting more and more oil with every bite. my body is going to hate me.

but for shizzle, things are good. I'm not really sleeping, and my room is messy-which really is bothering me, but I'm pretty content.

I'm really glad I've decided not to date for a while. It's a relief to have lunch with two guys and not try to figure out which one I like better.

I'm not really cussing much, maybe like once a day, and nothing bad, no smoking, stuff like that.

I also got a hot new haircut that makes me feel ohsowonderful. I've gotten so many compliments lately (not on my hair, but I think it's b/c of the hair) and...truthfully, they don't mean much. But I think I look great, and that...means everything.

I used to cry and pray that I wouldn't be ugly forever, and now I feel really bad saying....I'm not. I feel really pretty. Even when I don't take showers. Some things never change.

In telling my roommate how I never wash my clothes, she told me how gross that is. "Do I smell, though?" "" alright then, no need to wash till I smell.

I want to go to the Evergreen Terrace/ Calico System show this friday. Either that or go visit some boilermakers.

God is so good. He even made Death Cab play all my favorite songs that they don't usually play at shows, and helped me get an A on a quiz I didn't study for b/c I was writing a paper b/c I had procrastinated for a month. It couldn't have been anyone else. I'm not that smart. He loves me. <3333

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .