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10:53 p.m.

I Never Knew You To Be Like This

I made fun of you when you told people we were dating...and I'm sorry. I wanted nothing more than to ditch you and sleep in...and when you cancelled on me? well...I talked bad about you. I was inconsiderate.

Tonight, you were *beautiful* I've never heard words like that come out of your mouth before. Brilliance is what I heard. Sensitivity and logicality. I'm used to blown up latex gloves being put on your head. Yeah lol it was funny, but I thought that was all there was to you.

In reality, you love old muscle cars, and all the music I love. You love worshiping God with your all. You're even in a band. Too bad I hear you like every girl.

I know when you said I was the girl of your dreams you were probably kidding, but I want you to know that I only ate the tic tacs to impress you. It worked until I moved my mouth and got red drool everywhere. eh.

Tonight I wished we were real friends so I could just go hug you when you talked about your best friend having testicular cancer.

How could ever consider leaving cells?

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .