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April 09, 2003
9:41 p.m.

Idle Threats? Probably.

I hate that you pretend to know what my life has been like.... dare YOU

I believe your life has been hard

probably harder than mine

but I'm not criticizing YOU

my depression sucked ass

but this is so much worse

b/c I'm unstable, and I can't stop crying, and when I'm happy? it soon fades because I know what's to come...

I wish I were fucking dead

and I don't care what you think...

b/c I will find new friends

or maybe I'll hang myself

--but not so that it snaps my neck, but so I die slowly over 20 minutes, suffocating, with my face purple...thinking of the people that could have made it better...but didn't give a fucking care

don't say you never saw the signs...because here they are

please ignore them just like you do me

and skip off to lunch...leave me alone


I hope you never speak to me again

I'd rather have no friends than friends who make me feel like this...

don't fucking...know me

and please don't pretend to care just because I'm suicidal

and don't fucking come to my funeral

and don't ever cry for me

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .