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May 02, 2003
12:14 a.m.

Just For A Bit

I was earning 18 dollars an hour tonight. How awesome is that?

I'm not as strong as I used to some ways.

I don't know how to resist, if things go back to how they were. I hope I don't forget the way you treated me when you fell for someone else, my friend at that, and I wasn't good enough....but I know me...and I will. I wish you were here. And I wish you'd sleep so that I could converse with you. I miss it loads.

I'm a bulimic at heart. But I never considered it until they told me how wrong it was. I'm so dumb. Don't worry, I'll never really do it, anyway...but I think about it all the time.

I'm glad you want her to call you. That makes me happy. I hope things go well for you guys...I really do. I just want to say I'm sorry for being naive and stupid.

I can't wait to be a cow with you guys. I doubted at first, but it will be fun. We always have fun. P.S. I'm glad we're not fighting and that you feel better. I missed you a lot. :o( I'm sorry.

Turns out my cousin DOES love me...and maybe she'll even want to spend some time with me soon.

I have bunches of tests tomorrow, and I'm not doing a darn thing about it.

I'm doing better at cussing...just a few eff's at work...but other than that...

You guys getting gives me hope. You have been waiting for so long's just great. I hope he doesn't hurt you. I would kill him. Hope...hmmm..maybe someday I could...nahh....hmmm

I feel like sending you a message...I hope it doesn't wake you up. Isn't it funny how two and a half hours can change so much? Why are you so nice? And is it temporary? Can you hold me and nothing else? Is that what I really want? or more...or less...I'm so confusing.

I just want to be held. ::sigh:: How do you feel about that? Could you just hold my hand maybe? I miss that. i.miss.that.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .