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December 04, 2004
1:43 a.m.

he says i'm good at talking

and we talked about how girls shouldn't say that they look fat...and I told him that he shouldn't respond, but that I'd be honest and say I am one of those girls who THINKS that, but to complain about it all the time is just rude.
I really did not want or even expect him to respond...but he did. He told me I wasn't fat and I was like, okay...but I asked you not to respond.
b/c it's not about how others feel about me, it's about how i feel about myself, which is why I choose not to verbalize it. I was just being honest. I didn't want to complain about those girls and make it sound like I don't THINK it, ya know?
and 5 minutes later he was like're NOT FAT...
I asked him to drop it, and when he didn't I offered to show him my fat roll. He stopped after that lol
It's not love, or probably even like...but I have sooo much fun with him. I never want to leave. I just don't know that it will develop into any more than a friendship. but...i kind of want to kiss him...just to see what it's like. to kiss another guy. that, and i'm super attracted to him.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .