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February 14, 2003
5:57 p.m.

You Are So Beautiful To Me

It's wonderful to know that I have great friends. I don't have superficial friendships. We fight, sometimes a lot, but 5 minutes later we're best friends again. And we don't ignore things, we work them out and let it go. I love when you can yell at me and feel better.

I'm so grateful that I have around 6 or 7 good friends that can relate to me, and that I feel I could aways run to. They might trip me first but once they figure out that I'm not joking...they're all ears.

I've now heard from 2 people that I don't listen, and that breaks my heart...b/c you guys always listen to me. I want to be there for you too, more than anything.

I love you.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .