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June 24, 2008
1:12 a.m.

We had passionate makouts. and passionat freakouts. -BK

John came home Saturday and it was everything I was afraid of. He was unsure of how he feels about me. I guess at this moment I'm realizing that I'm not always sure of how I feel about him either. but I was upset that he wasn't sure. hmm. conundrum.

I decided that since he hasn't had a day off in a month and has so much stress that he has to go to a doctor about his blood pressure...that...we shouldn't decide anything right now. There's nothing really wrong- we're just freaking out, really.

that's my short version.

(I still feel like I'm only scared and unsure because he's unsure. but if he wasn't unsure...would I then be unsure of something else? like I normally am? I think this is a good thing for me.)

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .