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May 06, 2003
12:32 a.m.

Second Only To Stephen's "I've Been Seeing Someone Else" Call

I'm sitting here thinking of what tomorrow will be like with you and I get this message....and I realize..he's right. You don't want me either. I'll place you in the file folder of guys to reject me. You know like at the end of the school year, your main folder starts to fall apart...mine is doing that. This is getting old, and I'm getting tired of effort that goes nowhere.

Maybe you had nothing to do with what he said...but maybe you did. Either changed things, just like he wanted. P.S. Jon, you may have been right about many things, but God does exist. I wish you would remove your head from your ass long enough to be able to hear Him.

It was lovely to hear from you tonight. I was very surprised...but like I said, I take things and run with them. Don't get me excited for nothing. I miss you. Photography. Music. Socks. Thursdays. I talked about you twice today. Thanks for introducing me to great bands. I hope ender can save us, too.

So I went into Toys R' Us today...I did well...skateboards and baseballs...I learned to throw a curve, and I drove past the spot, the spot where you told me you loved me, that I was different, that I wasn't there a point where I'll learn not to be so stupid? I don't know what to do with puddles anymore...I think I'll just pretend they're not there and go around. Bastard. You still make me cry...just leave already.

How many boys flirted with us today? Wow...we didn't even look cute.

I feel so girly...I don't usually think of boys this much...all this and..I still don't date. I'm not involved...I'm not even talking to anyone. I just remember too much.

Remember when you said you'd do anything for me? I wish you were the boy I'm waiting for, but you're not. I'll continue to stand alone. No more spooning.

Funny...I suspected it was a hate call. Eff you Jon. Man, that stung like a madre.

May 05, 2003
12:46 a.m.

Truth Not Be Told


can someone please convince me

I'm [not] stronger than this desire

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .