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February 02, 2005
11:14 p.m.

Brutal Decision-Crucial Decisions

feeling so shameful, i don't know where to turn
every step is a step in the wrong direction and this is torture.

I feel like everyone is just going to tell me I'm going to hell. I feel like I'll be shunned. I feel so...confused.

They're right when they say how hard it is growing up. But I, like many other kids in my situation just don't have many places to turn. Everyone has a bias. Religious versus science...who do you ask for advice when you don't know who you think is right?

is this something that is programmed in my head or can I reverse it? serial killers may be born with the tendancy to have anger and hurt others, but does it make it okay?

and how will my parents react when I tell them...

I think I'm a lesbian.

thadd won't be surprised...just hurt.
my parents in disbelief.
my friends dissappointed.
and me...crying my eyes out, lying on the floor in shame..b/c i never asked for any of this.

i just want it to go away.


K, so I'm not a lesbian...i finally had a crush on a boy i actually knew, so that banished that fear from my thoughts. But I'm still bi-sexual. Just not a full blown lesbian, for me...that would have not been good. But I'm not knocking homosexuals, i know how it feels-it's just not for me.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .