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April 07, 2003
4:30 p.m.

My Dissappointed Birthday

I say this in my most tranquil voice b/c...all I wanted for my birthday was to go the concert...and you wouldn't do that for me. I didn't want dinner...we weren't hungry. I reply with strained melancholy..."get your head out of your ass"...b/c I'm not Kevin, and I don't want to do what you want to do. I wanted to go to the concert(.) I wasn't hungry. You just wanted to go out to dinner b/c it's what YOU had decided YOU wanted to do for MY birthday.

I say this calmly because it doesn't matter to me anymore.

I've decided ...maybe you have 4 friends...but I have none.

What I wanted for my birthday couldn't I didn't want to do anything, which is what Sam and Ben that I can be sad...and write.

But I felt obligated to entertain you on MY birthday and you know what? if you got upset...I say..."What of it?"

I'm tired of people being pissed off because they don't get what they want. "What of it?"

What fucking of it....

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .