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April 29, 2004
10:52 a.m.

She Had Long Brown Hair

I had convinced myself that it was over and I'd be alright without you. But the truth is, I wasn't. Something was very different. And I'm okay with being a social experiment as long as I mean somuchmore. crazy without you, frustrated with you (have i used this before) I'm not sure what to do with you.

I sat out in the rain just wishing I would wash away. Wishing I'd fall asleep and die of being wet, cold, and alone. Wishing to write, but all I can do is scribble and cry. I'm crazy without you. I can't figure out what it is.

I'm confused on a lot, but immensely happy, because an apology was the last thing I thought I'd be getting. I took you off my buddy list and almost clicked no when the IM came through, but God knows better for us.

The world can spin again, Michael loves me.

Ps. this entry does not begin to depict how I feel. watch for a rewrite.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .