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11:51 p.m.

As He Leaves My World Fades

Tonight was almost perfect.

If only I had been here with him it would have been better. We talked and everything just...ahhhh, I like him so much. I just think he's wonderful. Being around him and him not being mine kills me though. As he leaves, my smile dies a little. That's when I start my contemplating....why can't he want me?

I have a feeling I'll be asking myself this all of my life...and not just with him.

I feel like I'll never be truly wanted.

The only guys that want me are guys that I don't like, and there's not even very many of them ever. And I don't want to compromise...but I feel like...When I finally find a guy worth liking, and I'm not compromising, he'll be compromising for me.

I'll never be good enough.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .