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12:48 a.m.

Don't Be Angry

Don't pout to me. I swear, everytime you do it I'll get on my knee and sing "You Are My Sunshine."

Don't think I'm yelling at you. You're just the only one who's listening, so I look at you.

I'm sorry. Maybe you don't think I appreciate you. But I don't use you, and I'm not a lesbian. I love you, both of you.

You're wonderful, and the only reason I live. If I didn't know that you'd be so sad if I left...I would vanish. And I want to badly. Please love me while I'm here. I'll miss you when I'm gone.

**I was at my house with an older friend (the pantiless one, Tiffany)and it was then that I was told that Santa wasn't real. I hated my parents for 2 months. For that reason I don't lie, even things that seem like they make someone happy...I don't lie.**

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .