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May 22, 2007
9:45 a.m.


Daniel and I had our first wedding date set for yesterday. It came and went and I'm not sure he thought a thing of it. When I reminded him, I simply got a "yeah." This upset me only because I was already upset and for some reason expected some soothing words to follow. I "expect" too much.

We don't currently have a wedding date. Sometime in August, or maybe December. My mom wants a winter wedding, but who knows if it'd even's Indiana and it'll probably just look yucky. So August looks good...August 19th.

I'm scared. for silly reasons. I worry too much, indefinitely. it's just something I have to learn to deal with. He's a good man. He's honest and he takes care of me, he loves Jesus, and he has impeccable taste in music. He's a beautiful man with a beautiful heart that puts the cream cheese away for me while I'm pretending to sleep.

I wasn't scared till everyone told me to be.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .