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June 08, 2004
1:12 a.m.

When He Called Drunk I Told Him I'd Date Him Again In A Heartbeat

and he says if I didn't work so early he'd take me to a playground late at night, and I say that I'd like that.

And all the sudden I have a memory of Daniel again, where we went to the airport and sat on the hood of his car and cuddled...even though I don't like the stars. And he asked me why I wanted to sit out there if I hate stars and it was freezing, and I told him it was b/c I knew he would like it...and I think in that moment we both realized how much I felt for him. He made some comment about how much I sacrifice for him...and it was true, but he did it too.

Gosh, I'd give anything to cuddle with him on his car again.

he says he has no money for gas to come get me...but I'd give him 20 bucks for gas to let me stay the night. Is that sad?

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .