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May 20, 2004
2:34 a.m.


drug-free for Christ,that's what I've decided to be.

but can I tell you it's killing me? it's killing me...

my cravings aren't that bad I suppose, but a cigarette would be nice. Some coke would be better. They always say it only takes once, don't take that lightly. All day I've been craving coke. If I can just do it one more time I'll be done, I swear...that's what I want to say. Just one last cigarette and I'll be okay...

i'm afraid to move because I want to go buy some smokes right's so close. it would be so easy. if I just don't choose, and I just sit here, maybe i won't do it.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .