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June 29, 2003
12:47 a.m.

So Far Away

My body wasn't mine tonight

I'd like to say it was dedicated to the music

but how about that kid that kept touching us?

I didn't actually mind...which is bad.

I was everywhere

everywhere I shouldn't have been

I deliberately disobeyed God

and I had a blast doing it

I just hear His voice in my head going, "You're never going to find a husband...not until you learn to listen better."

I heard it before I went but...lets just add selfish to my list of flaws.

Right now...I'd still do it again...I hope I feel guilty for this later.

I hope I learn to obey that silent/strong voice.

Having fun definitely took priority...and no matter how I try to phrase it in my head I was not supposed to go. There was someone somewhere who needed me and I was busy moshing with hot boys.

Man, it was fun.

God, have mercy...I'm so far from perfect.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .