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July 11, 2003
12:06 a.m.

Obscessions Can Be Sick

I had a bad feeling the other day

I'm starting to think that God has given me this gift...because I used to get bad feelings and ignore them and then...something bad..would happen

But now I get that feeling and I pray like a mofo that nothing awful will come.

I got that feeling about him and I prayed for you...and luckily nothing bad happened.

And now...I'm having that feeling for me...I feel like he's going to come after he's more dangerous than we thought. He knows the bad things I say about him and how I tell you to stay away. He reads your diary and hell, he probably reads mine too. I just get this creepy feeling that he knows my influence...err the influence I had before...and could think this is all because of me. I'm a little bit scared.

I'll just pray and watch my back.

If all else fails I think I hate him so much, adrenaline would kick in and I'd beat his ass.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .