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February 27, 2003
12:14 a.m.

What I Think I Need Is Not Always Reality

I used to have a boy who would tell me that if he lived here he would pick me up from school each day and run my errands with me...just to be with me.

I want that.

I want a boy that will get up early each morning and take me out to breakfast...that would be heaven.

I want someone who keeps me accountable and will just listen to me...because... I want to know all about him, too.

I want a boy who will "tell me a story," but most of all I want a boy who will retaliate with,"now it's your turn."

I have a list...of 50 qualities a boy must posess...which I've read to two boys now....they soon found out that they weren't what I was looking for.

Back to the first boy...I was infatuated forever and he broke my heart...we talked on the phone the other day and afterwards he told me it was the best conversation we'd ever had and he wanted to call me again soon. It was then that I realized...I only lusted for him, I'm not sure that we had ever had a real conversation. And when we did...he wasn't intellectually stimulating whatsoever.

I need a smartboy. yes...

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .