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January 27, 2003
11:16 p.m.

Maybe I'd Let You Win

I want to be sophisticated, and I want to know a little about everything.

I want to meet more people and I want to believe in love.

I want to sit beside the fake smelly fireplace I used to own and play my word game with someone who challenges me. Someone who doesn't let me win because they know it upsets me more than losing.

I don't want to be a poet, and I don't have an undying need to beautifully write, but I want to be around them, and I want to express myself in a way that only I understand it.

**So how cool would it be to make a clone of myself, become a lesbian, and marry me....ehh I think we'd fight too much. And then there's the whole not believing in cloning or homosexuality that gets in the way, too.**

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .