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4:31 a.m.


Can I just say I love you?

Mom, I love that I'm just like you, and that you'll advise me through any difficulties I have. I don't understand how you are this awesome person who came from such a horrible background. And how you found this man [who, though I do not like him, treats you very well] who came from the same place you both have risen from poverty, perverted love, and abuse into God's light. You even waited for dad, in all his infinite ignorance, and he finally came along after 25 years. What patience! (I'll never marry a Catholic)I don't understand how you did it.

Although not inelligent, you're the brightest person I've ever met. Who needs book knowledge when you have unconditional love and logic.

Mom...I wanna be just like you.

And don't be scared...I really am wonderful. No worries Ma.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .