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March 01, 2003
9:40 p.m.

Completely Ditched

I knew she would ditch me...I knew it. I even called 2ce, so there's no excuse.

You took too long and now we can't really do anything.

I'm glad you're out with all of my used-to-be-friends having lots of fun...without me.

And a birthday party filled with mostly my friends, I'm sure...that to which I wasn't invited.

I hope you guys had a lot of fun.

All 5 groups.

I sat at home.

I sit at home.

Sometimes I enjoy being at home alone, ie last week....this was not one of those weeks.

Someone please shoot me now, because it's too tempting to do it myself.

I just want to cry, but my tear ducts are complaining...they want paid for overtime and I just don't have the money today.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .