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June 23, 2003
8:45 p.m.

Jesus, Name Above All Names

I think it's funny to read bad things about me and not feel responsible at all. Because I don't want to talk about people anymore...I know how it feels to have changed one realizes it yet... but do they understand that it just brings you down after you've changed? I need encouragement, not negativity.

When he told me that this world is rubbish, and I should be happy without a boy, and even without any friends...all I need is God, and He should be enough...something within me moved.

I'm happy to sit at home on a Saturday night and read my Bible and just go on a date with God. He's always on time and never complains if I take too long getting ready.

What a wonderful friend.

My soul feels free and all this negativity...will not bring me down anymore.

Man, I love this kid.

He's so much more witty and funny than I.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .