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May 14, 2003
2:12 a.m.

Like A Cheap Condom

I'm so tired of being criticized and stressed out by other people's view of me. I like the way I dress. I like that I want my lip pierced. I love that I'm smart and funny. I think I'm beautiful. I like the way I treat my friends. I listen to them. I'm sad with them. I'm silly with them. I'm persuasive and honest. I'm generous, understanding, and forgiving.

I don't know how to be better than I am.

Please stop putting me down...because I don't do it to you.

I love you guys...but....

I want away.

I want to change my screen name, and my diary...and I want to go to college where no one knows me...

I want to meet a boy that will love me, and listen to music, and look at art, and write, and not be shy, and not smoke pot, and not drink, and not compromise...but adjust to my needs because he thinks I'm worth it.

I want to feel like I'm not letting everyone down all the time.

I'm not sad anymore.

Just broken.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .