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July 03, 2003
2:10 a.m.

People To Call

I miss Sam and Benson tonight...I wonder if they ever think about me.

I sit here..wanting someone to talk to and I start to miss people. Sam and Ben, and Karim, Rob Cooper, and Stephen...and of course Kelsey, but I don't want to mention her anymore. I have hope with others. I...I'm not going to mention her anymore.

I passed by our spot today and you know what? I was okay. I was okay until I started thinking about how okay I was. I was shaking and had peed my pants, that's how okay I was. I just closed my eyes and saw yours. Your big brown eyes that told me that this was not a game and you'd never leave me...that you'd follow me wherever I went because you loved me. I don't know what love is, but that wasn't it.

I IMed you but I think you ignored me....


I'm okay as long I don't picture your eyes, or your smile, or your jeans....remember your laugh, or how your voice got deep and crackly at 3am on the phone.

I'm okay.

"You look beautiful," you told me as you followed me out the doors..."You'll get into trouble," I warned...but you didn't just stared as I smiled and walked away.

I should call up Rob.

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .