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July 08, 2003
10:50 p.m.

I Saw This Coming, But I Blindly Walked In Anyway

I'm sitting here about to cry...

I know I'm ridiculous

but I warned you

I get so attached

so easily.

If you don't call...

I'll stay up forever waiting...I know I will

I warned you

and now I'm hurting

and nothing bad is even happening

gosh, it hurts...and I'm crying

b/c you surely won't call

and you don't really want me

you couldn't possibly.

How can a girl so arrogant be so insecure?

because I'm not arrogant...not over-confident

just confident...and I don't doubt I'm wonderful right now

I doubt that he thinks it...or that anyone does

I feel like puking

damnit, I warned you...I knew...

. :before: . | . :now: . | . :later: .